Nurse Notes: My Life as a Nursing Student

July 17, 2010

Let the Microblogging Begin

Filed under: My Life, Nursing School — caropierian @ 2:01 pm

I’ve had so much to write about, yet so little time to write!  For example, this summer while many of my nursing student peers are working summer jobs or taking a little time off, I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off, taking 20 credits of course work, completing a senior practicum in the PICU (NIGHTS no less), and prepping for the NCLEX, which I take in September.  I’m also trying to have a life.  It’s hard.

So my solution is microblogging.  Tweeting, if you will.  So please meet me at TwoWheelsNTofu!  I’ll be sharing my microthoughts on nursing, but also on other interests in my life such as cycling, vegetarian cuisine, yoga, travel, Lady Gaga, and whatever pops up.  Enjoy!

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